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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Contributions should be submitted as Word file (.rtf, .doc or .docx) to the
    appropriate Secretary’s e-mail address.
    The papers submitted must respect the positive practices and standards in terms of
    research ethics:
    - Papers submitted for publication must be the result of the author’s / authors’
    research and must not infringe on the authorial or any other rights of third parties.
    - The papers must respect the positive practices of citing and referencing at all
    times (there must be no plagiarism in any form)
    - The papers must be previously unpublished (regardless of differences in titles,
    introduced changes, or different languages of publication).
    - The papers must not be submitted for evaluation to other journals or publishers
    until the author / authors are notified about the outcome of their submission.
  • Length: suggested length is 10-15 pages (4500-6000 words).
  • Formatting: Times New Roman, 12, Line spacing: Before: 0; After: 0; Line spacing: Single.
  • Paragraph formatting: Normal, first line: indentation: First line: 0,5 (1,27).
  • Name(s) of author(s): name(s) of author(s), middle letter(s)1, surname(s).
    Names are given in the original form, original alphabet. No titles or functions should be included in the paper itself
  • Affiliation: Аffiliation(s) – institution(s) where the author(s) is / are employed or were has / have conducted research, beginning with the full legal name (example: University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts, English Department).
  • Contact information: E-mail address(es) should be submitted in a footnote of the first page.
  • Language and script: The language of the paper may be Serbian, Russian, English, German, French or some other European, World or Slavic language wide in use in international philology. If the language of the paper is Serbian, the printing script of the paper is Cyrillic.
  • Title: The title should be provided in the language of the paper, centered and in capital letters.
  • Abstract: The text of the abstract should include the aim of the research, methods, findings and conclusion. It should be 100 – 250 words in length, between the heading (title, name of the author, etc.) and key words. The abstract should follow the title. The abstract should be written in the language of the paper. Formatting: Times New
    Roman, Normal; 10; Before: 0; After: 0; Line spacing: Single; indentation: First line: 0,5 (1,27).]
  • Keywords: Keywords are given below the abstract. The number of keywords should not exceed 10 words. Formatting: Times New Roman, Normal; 10; Before: 0; After: 0; Line spacing: Single; indentation: First line: 0,5 (1,27).]
  • In-text citation: In-text citation should be consistent throughout the paper. The following citation style is obligatory: ... (Redman 2006: 56-63)..., / (see Redman 2001: 56-63)..., / Redman (2001: 56-63) states that ... [quotation marks should be used in accordance with the orthography of the language used]
  • Footnotes: Footnotes may contain less important details, additional information, etc. Footnotes cannot be used as substitute for in-text citations.
  • List of references: Reference list is given at the end of the paper, as a separate section, before the summary, and it includes bibliographical sources (articles, monographs, books, etc.). All references should be listed (sorted) alphabetically, regardless of the format, i.e. whether books, websites or journal articles etc. Where there
    are several works from one author or source they should by listed together but in date order, with the earliest work listed first. References are listed in the original language of their publication and are not translated into the language of the paper. [Formatting: Times New Roman, Normal; Font Size 11; Spacing - Before: 0; After: 0; Line spacing: Single; first line aligned, other lines: Hanging 0,5]
    Reference list examples:
    Baron, 2008: D.P. Baron. Business and the Organisation. Chester: Pearson.
    [journal article]
    Boughton, 2002. J. M. Boughton, The Bretton Woods proposal: a brief look. Political Science Quarterly, 42(6), p.564.
    [article in edited volume or conference proceedings]
    Rissanen 1999: M. Rissanen, Syntax, in: R. Lass (ed.), Cambridge History of the English Language, vol. 3 Cambridge & New York, Cambridge University Press, 187-197.
    [articles in foreign language – Latin]
    Lyons 1970: J. Lyons, Semantics I/II, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    [articles in foreign language –Cyrillic]
    Plotnjikova 2000: A. A. Plotnikova, Slovari i narodnaя kulьtura, Moskva: Institut slavяnovedeniя RAN.
    References by the same author, from the same year, should be designated with additional letters a, b, c, as, for example in, 2007a.
    When there are two authors for the same publication, both surnames must be listed: Barker, Kirk. When there are more than two authors for a work, use et al after the surname of the first author.
    If the publication cited is not the first issue, use a superscript before the first publication:
    Leech²1981: G. Leech, Semantics, Harmondsworth etc.: Pinguin Books.
    Internet materials:
    [online publication]
    Surname, name of the author: Publication title. (web address). Accessed date.
    Veltman, K. H. Augmented Books, knowledge and culture. ‹›. 02.02.2002.
    [electronic serials]
    Surname, name of the author: Publication title. Periodical title. Database. Accessed date.
    Du Toit, A. Teaching Info-preneurship: student’s perspective. ASLIB Proceedings, February 2000. Proquest. 21.02.2000.
    [online encyclopedia]
    Title. Encyclopedia title. (web address). Access date.
    Tesla, Nikola. Encyclopedia Britannica. ‹ ›. 29. 3. 2010.
  • Summary: Summary must be provided in English. If the language of the paper is English, the summary is written in Serbian, or one of the world languages, except English. The summary must be positioned at the end of the paper, after List of 3 References. Keywords, translated into the language of the summary, must be positioned
    after the summary. Formatting: Times New Roman, Normal; 11; Before: 0; After: 0; Line
    spacing: Single; indentation: First line: 0,5 (1,27).]
  • Biographical note on the author(s): Separate file (Word, .doc or .docx), no more than 250 words. Only most facts about the author (year and place of birth, fileds of interest, published books).


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