
  • Марија Панић University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


књижевност, медији, Барико, хипертекст, Noir désir, интертекстуалност


Nowadays, in the time of various media, literature still inspires some popular music bands, like, for instance, French groups Air and Noir désir. In 2003, together with Alessandro Baricco, Air recorded the album City Reading: Tre storie western, where the author reads three western stories taken from his novel City. In Genette’s terminology, these stories represent the hypertext based on the novel as a hypotext. There are some differences between the two, especially because the hypertext is situated in the Wild West in the 19th centurty, while the hypotext is situated in the modern times and includes more characters as well as a more complex story. The role ofthe narrator, a certain girl named Shatzy, is important in both – in hypotext as one of the main characters, and in the hypertext she is intently mentioned as someone who tells the stories. Thelyrics of the French rock band Noir désir seem to continuously contain elements related to the literature, starting from their second album in 1989, until their latest album in 2001 - amely, sometimes are explicitely mentioned words like “poésie”, “écriture”, or the names of some poets, some lyrics treat the literary creation, etc. In their latest album, Des visages des figures, there is also intertextuality, based on quotations of Nerval, some titles well known in literary history, and also some obvious literary influences. These are only two examples out of many showing that literature in France continues to be an important inspiration for the other arts.

Author Biography

Марија Панић, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts

Марија Панић рођена je 1980. године у Краљеву. Ради као асистент-приправник за француску књижевност на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу. Објављивала је преводе књижевних и књижевно-теоријских текстова са француског, енглеског и италијанског језика у часописима Летопис Матице српске, Treći trg, Txt и Београдском књижевном часопису, као и преводе књижевних текстова на енглески језик (објављени су у више електронских часописа). Области интересовања: историја француске књижевности, компаративна књижевност, методика наставе књижевности.


- Air Baricco, City Reading: Tre storie western, Virgin Music, Paris, 2003.
- Baricco, Alessandro, City, Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, Milano, 2002 (quintaedizione).
- Bariko, Аlesandro, City , prevela Ana Srbinović, Paideia, Beograd, 2000.
- Barthes, Roland, S/Z, Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1970.
- Genette, Gérard, Palimpsestes: la littérature au second degré, Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1982.
- Genette, Gérard, Seuils, Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1987.
- Kristeva, Julia, Σημειωτική: Recherches pour une sémanalyse, Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1969.
- Marčetić, Adrijana, Figure pripovedanja, Narodna knjiga, Beograd, 2004.
- Новаковић, Јелена, Интертекстуалност у новијој српској поезији (француски круг), Гутенбергова галаксија, Београд, 2004.
- Noir désir: Veuillez rendre l’âme, Barclay Records, Paris,1989.
- Noir désir: Tostaky, Barclay Records, Paris, 1993.
- Noir désir: Des visages des figures, Barclay Records, Paris, 2001.



How to Cite

Панић, М. (2007). LITERATURE IN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH MUSIC. Nasleđe, 4(8), 63–72. Retrieved from