Balkans, ex-Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Sandžak, Montenegro, Serbo-Croat language, Bosnian language, Boshnjak identity, sociolinguisticsAbstract
This research paper is a part of a wider study upon the reasons and the stream of the dissolution of the ex-Yugoslavia published by Vilnius University Press in 2006 under the title: „Sociolinguistic Aspect of Dissolution of Yugoslavia and Serbian National Question“. The research object of the paper is to examine the process of making separate (from Serbian, Croatian and Montenegrin) Boshnjak ethnonational identity by using the technique of „linguistic engineering/chirurgic“ in the process of creation of an independent (from Serbian/Montenegrin and Croatian) Bosnian Language as a national language of Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Sandžak South Slavic Muslims (former speakers of common Serbo-Croat language). The final aim of the paper is to discover/present the ways in which various elements of linguistic diversity within former Serbo-Croat language have been „emblematized“ and taken as markers of ethnonational and political identity of Muslim Boshnjaks and multicultural Bosnia & Herzegovina and Sandžak from 1993 (when official Boshnjak ethnonational identity was introduced) up today.
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