
  • Владимир Р. Поломац University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


кнез Лазар, патријарх Спиридон, ресавски правопис, српске средњовековне повеље, последња четвртина XIV века


The paper examines the fundamental graphic and orthographic characteristics in Knez Lazar’s (Knez: Serbian ruler) and Patriarch Spiridon’s charters dating from the last quarter of the 14th century. The investigation into the latter was to confirm the validity of the current findings as to the coexistence of Raška and Resava orthographic norms in the charters of the time. According to the type of the foregoing charters, the latter are grouped into two categories: the ones with predominant characteristics of Raška orthography and those containing sporadic elements of Resava ortography.
Within the first category we are to find both of Lazar’s charters to Dubrovnik, the one to Sveta Gora Monastery of Velika Lavra St. Athanasius, as well as the charter to Sveta Gora Monastery of St. Panteleimon dedicating the church to Hvosno. The foregoing charters set norms to the characteristics of Raška ortography, the only exception being the marking of the voice sequence [je] deviating from the norm. Among the charters belonging to the second of the two categories, most of the elements characteristic for the Resava ortography are to be found in Lazar’s charter to vlastelin Crep (Serbian nobleman), which is to be anticipated given the chronology of its genesis (the end of the 14th century). We are to encounter highly predominant presence of the orthographical features characteristic of Resava ortography in Patriarch Spiridon’s and monk Dorotej’s charters as well. This blending of the norms established in the districts of Resava and Raška distinguishes Lazar’s charter to the monastery of St. Panteleimon on the addendum by chelnik Musa (Serbian: the prominent) and his family. The characteristic features are least to be found in Lazar’s charters to Hilandar Monastery and vlastelin Obrad Dragosaljić.

Author Biography

Владимир Р. Поломац, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts

Владимир Поломац рођен је 1977. године у Крагујевцу. Дипломирао je и магистрирао на Филолошком факултету Универзитета у Београду. Докторску дисертацију под називом Језик у повељама и исправама деспота Стефана Лазаревића и деспота Ђурђа Бранковића ради на Филолошко-уметничком факултету Универзитета у Крагујевцу. На истом факултету запослен је у звању асистента (предмети: Историја српског језика, Историја српског књижевног језика и Дијалектологија српског језика).


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How to Cite

Поломац, В. Р. (2008). RESAVA ORTOGRAPHY IN KNEZ LAZAR’S AND PATRIARCH SPIRIDON’S CHARTERS. Nasleđe, 5(9), 155–171. Retrieved from