
  • Андрија Матић University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology


култура, поетика, модернизам, савремено друштво, интернет, медији, информације, отуђеност, традиција


The main goal of this paper is to interpret the poems and essays of t. s. eliot in relation to key issues of the contemporary world. eliot is, thus, portrayed not only as a major poet and critic of modernist literary epoch, but also as a profound thinker who had anticipated some artistic and cultural tendencies which appeared, or reached their culmination, only after his death. The first part of the paper analyses eliot’s poetry, including some poems from his early books (Prufrock and Other Observations and Poems 1920), The Waste Land, his best-known poetic work, as well as his later poems such as “The hollow men“ or four Quartets. The second part of the paper deals with eliot’s essays. some of them were published in the The Sacred Wood, others were first presented as lectures at the university of virginia and later incorporated in After Strange Gods, while some of the texts, particularly those ones describing various aspects of culture, appeared during the poet’s last creative years.

Author Biography

Андрија Матић, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology

Андрија Матић рођен je 1978. године у Крагујевцу. Дипломирао, магистрирао и докторирао на Филолошком факултету Универзитета у Београду. Аутор је више радова о англо-америчкој књижевности, као и студије под називом Т. С. Елиот: песник, критичар, драмски писац (2007). Објавио и роман под називом Нестанак Зденка Купрешанина („Прва књига” Матице српске, 2006). Живи у Београду.


Chinitz, David E., T. S. Eliot And The Cultural Divide, The University Of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2003.
Еliot, Thomas Stearns, After Strange Gods: A Primer Of Modern Heresy, Harcourt, Brace And Company, New York, 1934.
Еliot, Thomas Stearns, Collected Poems Of T. S. Eliot, 19091962, Faber And Faber, London, 1963.
Еliot, Thomas Stearns, On Poetry And Poets, Faber & Faber, London, 1957.
Еliot, Thomas Stearns, The Sacred Wood, Methuen And Co., London, 1967.
Еliot, Thomas Stearns, The Use Of Poetry And The Use Of Criticism, Faber And Faber, London, 1933.
Кenner, Hugh (ed.), T. S. Eliot: A Collection Of Critical Essays, Prentice-hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J, 1962.



How to Cite

Матић, А. (2008). THE POETICS OF T. S. ELIOT IN THE XXI CENTURY. Nasleđe, 5(11), 17–25. Retrieved from