култура, уметност, књижевност, књижевно-историјска периодизација, епохе, стилови, глобализам, политичко гледиште, романтизам, реализам, модерна, авангарда, књижевна мапа, књижевни континуитетAbstract
The paper analyses the status of Serbian culture and literature, the establishment of epochs and styles, including all the distinguishing features which are to be observed when taking a research into the Serbian culture and literature from the perspective of literary history. The paper seeks to establish the distinctive patterns as to the Serbian literature and its historical grounds of development. Special attention is given over to the concepts set up by Jovan Skerlić and Jovan Deretić, as well as those provided by a literary theorist Dragiša Živković. The paper also points out the possibility of exploring and presenting Serbian literature in a contemporary fashion by employing a literary map, indicative of novel approaches and quality features within the domain of a visual study in interpreting the foregoing periods, as well as providing a more articulate profile of literary epochs, that is to say 19th and 20th century tendencies and styles.
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