појмовна метафора, спортски дискурс, појмовна метонимија, насловиAbstract
Set within a framework of Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Conceptual Metonymy Theory, the paper examines how victory and defeat are conceptualised in sports newspaper headlines. The processes of metaphorisation and metonymisation are illustrated by examples of headlines and possible motives for the metaphorical expressions used by sports reporters are pointed out. We specifically deal with those idiosyncratic, innovative and creative metaphors which are metonymically based on the sports club’s nickname as well as those which are metonymically based on geographical characteristics of the sports club’s place of origin. We single out several metaphors for the conceptualisation of victory and defeat (e.g. victory is eating/drinking the opponent, victory is flying, defeat is falling, etc.) and offer explanation for their use in sports discourse.
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