тонална музикаAbstract
A musical sentence is one of the most provocative areas of research in the science of musical forms. Many are, and diverse, the ways of approaching the research of musical sentence, so the path towards the goals of research has, in most cases, many strata and nuances. Almost inevitably, the analysis of musical sentences is approached through the study of individual musical strata, such as structural, thematic, and tonal. In recent literature for the science of musical forms, musical sentences are often characterized as “developmental” and as “selective”, although these two terms are not quite precisely defined. When we organize the flow of motive, it is important to notice two opposite trends in the practice of the composers: one is a tendency to reduce the quantity of transformational processes for motives, usually by an increase in the number of different motives – such sentences are called selective; the opposite tendency is to reduce the number of different motives in a sentence, and to increase the amount of transformational processes – such sentences are called developmental. In this paper, a possibility is suggested, how to take into consideration and how to comprehend the developmental and selective structures; this is done through examples of musical Classicism, because they are the most frequently used starting basis for the study of such structures.