
  • Slobodan Vladušić University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy


post-structuralism, carefree writing, testamentary writing, The Book of job, discourse


The text offers an analysis of the so-called “insouciant writing”, the concept framed by the tenets of post-structuralist theory which postulates that the text cannot perform as the site of subject expression, which in turn divorces the writing subject from the body perceived as the metaphor of the decaying nature of the subject. disregardful of the voice of the other in the text, in furtherance of the text itself, the prevailing “insouciant writing”, complemented by the “insouciant reading”, is opposed by the concept of testamentary writing. The line of argument behind it states that when the writing subject is faced with death – writing his last will and testament – the idea of a decentered subject becomes an illusion as the subject is united with his body. The scene from The Book of Job where job wishes to write his afflictions down for eternity is taken as an example of testamentary writing. This jobian writing is understood as a likely response in the face of impending death. it symbolizes a kind of writing that escapes the power of discourse, allowing the subject of such writing to express his self and his body. The paper, then, focuses on two features of testamentary writing: the intelligibility of such writing and the level of closeness between the writing subject and his target readership.

Author Biography

Slobodan Vladušić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy

Доцент на предметима Савремена српска проза и Савремено српско песништво, на филозофском факултету у Новом Саду. Књиге студија и критика: Дегустација страсти, на промаји, Портрет херменеутичара у транзицији, Ко је убио мртву драгу. Области интересовања: српска књижевност, теорија књижевности, студије културе.


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How to Cite

Vladušić С. (2010). TESTAMENTARY AND CAREFREE WRITING. Nasleđe, 7(16), 9–19. Retrieved from http://nasledje.kg.ac.rs/index.php/nasledje/article/view/293



Topic: (Post)modernism, Apocalypse and Literature