минимализам, архитектура, интровертно, редукција, самопрезентацијаAbstract
If we start from the fact that the development of minimalism in architecture began in 90`s of the last century, avoiding individual cases before this period, we can conclude that now for twenty years it is a constant theme for discussion. Although its meaning seems entirely clear, because when one hears this name he instantly gets a final picture of certain very special type of architecture. On the other hand, the more one tries to understand the subject the more elusive its definition. The protagonists often use split design vocabulary for very different purposes and reasons. This difference in motivation is one of the principal reasons why it is so problematic to use the term minimalism in any context except when it appears evident at a glance. Therefore, if we correctly want to use the term in a discussion on the subject of the architecture, the first and foremost task is to examine the different motivations.
It is widely accepted that one of the crucial influences on the emergence of minimalism in architecture came from the arts. The basic features of minimalism in architecture, in its early stages of development, the socalled. "essential" minimalism, were cleaning introvert from architecture as well as reduction. Emerged as a critique of consumer society, the reduction has had its diametrically opposite - doubts about the commercial aspects of consumption. In their work, German-Swiss architects, achieve objectivity or the selfpresentation of architecture, on the best way. Regardless of the different motivations and influences that can be seen in the emergence and development of minimalism, we can certainly conclude that the realization of unity between architecture and its place, or the essence of memory in architecture constitute its basic paradigm.
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