животносрединско станиште, урбаносрединско боравиште, екореципроцитет, квазистручна терминологија, урбанизација, псеудоурбанизацијаAbstract
Is no longer unknown to the local and global climate change aff ect all extreme change Land-scape and urban landscape. They point to the imminent danger which are detrimental to the future of urban-environment as a residence and the living-environment as a habitat.
All the findings of impaired and less able to sustainable living and built environment, show that they affect industrialization, ekslploatation natural resources and one-sided economic interests of individuals and business groups. The negative effects of this irrational attitude towards its own habitat and encourage the whereabouts and adverse change caused by urbanization in the growth and spread of cities, rather than through their planning and sustainable development.
Also, Automotive and demographic reproduction are all more focused on uncontrolled and unsustainable expansion and occupation of urban and living spaces which are already carrying capacity of the border endurance. Finally, there is globalization, which has its advantages on a global scale in terms of networking communication, education and development of science and technology, and its shortcomings in terms of assimilation and neutralization of local characteristics and values built environment, culture, traditions and spirituality of local communities.
Of course, local communities are rightfully concerned about the local and global climate change because they see that their disappearance. They selectively recognize and accept the global benefits, but even more concerned about how to survive under the influence of adverse changes. This is the only way to protect and preserve the spirit of its residents the case of local culture and traditions, and characteristics and features of the local environment and landscape, and the value of narrow and wider environment and its landscape.
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