novel, satire, world, allegory, confusion, baroque, structure, devil, spaces, disillusionmentAbstract
The Crippled Devil of Luis Vélez de Guevara is difficult to include in any kind of novel. The play offers an “imago mundi” or “representation of the world ”as allegory about the confusion, being the satire the resource of style used by the author. The classical heritage, very specially in the Icaromenip of Lucian of Samosata, exercised a deep influence in our author, as well as The Dreams of Quevedo. A rigorous analysis of its structure and development as play is to strengthen this allegorical view of the novel and the interrelacionship between earthly world and the world of hell in a society who lives in a context of economic crisis and social confusion, ruled by injustice and corruption in all their social classes . Finally adding the disillusionment at the end, as key of every baroque play.
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