literature, fiction, history, historiographic metafiction, objectivity, reference, intertextuality, ideological implications of historyAbstract
Тhe objective of this paper is to provide a brief overview of the main theoretic considerations of the relationship between literature, i.e. story or fiction, on the one hand, and history, i.e. historiography, on the other, by explaining the main concepts developed in this field and following the chronology of their development. The paper elaborates on the positions of several theoreticians – from Plato and Aristotle, to Roland Barthes, Dorit Cohn, and Lubomir Doležel, but also the historian Hayden White. In the second half of the paper, the whole story is rounded up by focusing on the concept of historiographic metafiction, developed by Linda Hutcheon in her study A Poetics of Postmodernism – History, Theory, Fiction, and the way this theory treats the relation between fiction and history. The main issues discussed are objectivity of historical knowledge, the problem of reference and representation, intertextual nature of the past, and the ideological implications of recounting historical events.
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