
  • Iva Parađanin University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy


Belgrade, 19. century, culture, Felix Kanitz, travel writer, illustrations


The text deals with the study of Felix Kanitz related to historical, cultural, architectural, social conditions of Belgrade in the 19th century in order to show the great expertson’s view of the identity of Belgrade on the basis his documents, illustrations, notes. Graphic analysis leads to information about everydayactivities, habits and customs of the Serbian people during this period. Analyzing Kantz’s texts and drawings, we can make conclusions about the various building opportunities, but also on the characteristics of prevailing architectural styles. By the formation of complete engagement of this versatiletravel writer, this article shows the importance of his interest in Serbia, which is certainly in that that has provided a wealth of information about Belgrade on 19.Century, that if it was not there his interest would not exist.


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How to Cite

Parađanin И. (2012). BELGRADE: ENCOUNTER OF CULTURES IN THE BALKANS IN FELIX KANITZ’S WORKS. Nasleđe, 9(22), 171–185. Retrieved from