
  • Ana Živković University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


logical completion, temporal completion, narrative completion, “openness” of structure, genre logic


This paper investigates the concept of completion in three Stevan Sremac`s novels: The priest Ćira and the priest Spira, Zona Zamfirova and Vukadin. The poetic deviation and narrative destabilization were problems of traditional realistic novels in the last decades of the 19th century. The basic idea refers to affiliating Sremac’s novel to modernist novels. The novel The priest Ćira and the priest Spira has specific position because the final focus moves from the event to the literary character. Thus, we distinguish between temporal, logical and narrative completion. We observe partial degradation of Aristotle's principles of structural integrity. We investigate the function of melancholic novel completion in transforming comic genre. We concluded that the novel The priest Ćira and the priest Spira had closed structure with a few open parts. The novel Zona Zamfirova ended as the older novels. The novel Vukadin had a few parts of instability, too. Sremac’s novels announced the literature of 20th century. The completion of the novel lost its dominant position.


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How to Cite

Živković А. . (2012). POETICS OF THE COMPLETION IN STEVAN SREMAC`S NOVELS. Nasleđe, 9(22), 187–201. Retrieved from http://nasledje.kg.ac.rs/index.php/nasledje/article/view/476