Pinter, necessity, responsibility, anti-myth, paradox, freedom, catharsis, catasthrophe, fatumAbstract
This work is concerned with the ideology of pre-determinism and uselessness of an individual’s will to shape his/her fate within the works by Harold Pinter, specifically focusing on three of his dramas: The Birthday Party, The Caretaker, and The Homecoming. Comparing the pinteresque pseudo-heroes with the authentic tragic heroes of Greek drama, the readers notice the decrease of the tragic protagonist’s willingness to give his own catastrophe a meaning and private purpose. Likewise, the hero’s alleged catharsis is but a decorated propaganda of giving away his identity to the government which, in turn, will shelter him within the typically pinteresque, stagnant hierarchy. The apex of Pinter’s heroes’ madness, still, is their non-resistant acknowledgment that what their superiors burden them with is their just fate.
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