
  • Iskra Maksimović Singidunum University, Faculty of Economy, Finance and Administration


lifetime learning, competence, education reform, social partnership, key competence


The paper undertakes the analytical and theoretical approach of the concepts of lifetime learning, observed in the light of market demand, mobility and flexibility of the employed. According to the analyses conducted in the market, the employers and leaders look for the employees who will continuously work on their skills, successfully communicate and work on their own. The new economy needs those individuals who possess a wide range of skills and competences on a proficiency level, such as: critical standpoints, problem solving, team work and decision making, since the world in which a man lives today is sophisticated and polysemous. In the given context, the paper also sums up interpretations and descriptions of competences, especially of the key ones representing a reversible platform which is to provide aid to the individual so as to be able to respond to the shifting work conditions. The paper is based on the analyses and research conducted in the EU, as well as on the example of a single research of key competences conducted in Serbia.


CEDEFOP (2008a), Future skill needs in Europe. Focus on 2020.

CEDEFOP (2008b), Future skill needs in Europe. Medium-term forecast. Synthesis report.

CEDEFOP (2007a), Towards European skill needs forecasting. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

CEDEFOP (2007b), Systems, institutional frameworks and processes for early identification of skill needs, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

European Commission (2008b), Employment in Europe 2008. (Chapter 5: Education and employment: relation of fields and paths of study to occupations).

European Commission (2008c), „The use of ICT to support innovation and lifelong learning for all – A report on progress“, SEC(2008)2629 final.

European Commission (2008d), „Economic Forecast. Autumn 2008“, European Economy, No. 7/2008.

European Commission (2007), Employment in Europe 2007. European Commission (2008) Communication from the commission to the european parliament, the council, the european economic and social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, New Skills for New Jobs ,Anticipating and matching labour market and skills needs.

Maksimović, Iskra; Bojanić, Mirjana; Jakovljević, Jelena; Milanović, Mirjana: Key competences for Lifelong Learning in VET in Serbia, Belgrade Open School, Belgrade, January 2007.

Максимовић, Искра: Образовање менаџера за XXI век, докторска дисертација, 2006.



How to Cite

Maksimović И. (2012). LIFETIME LEARNING: KEY COMPETENCES. Nasleđe, 9(21), 231–246. Retrieved from