body, shock, myth, paganism, Christianity, trauma, networkAbstract
Based on the analysis of the representation of the body in The Burlesque of Mr Perun God of Thunder written by Rastko Petrovic, this paper endeavors to find the forms in which body appears and the ways of embedding these into the specific network of the work, which is coordinated with the structure of the work. Modifications of the body which are analogous with the pattern taken over and reshaped by the avant-garde movement are conditioned by the many traumas and crossings. The assumption is that the transition from the Old Slavic into Christian framework is related to Nietzchean transition from Dionysian to Apollonian. The changes that are reflected in the representation of bodies and networks of different forms shall be viewed from the points of view of Donna Harraway and Judith Butler. The enquiry shall take place in the context of antilogocentrism while the relation between individual and multiplicity (of impressions) shall be viewed through the lens of the shock theory of Walter Benjamin.
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