formal semantics, negation, quantifiers, adjectival antonyms, adjectival phrasesAbstract
This paper deals with the compatibility of adjectives of different polarity with quantifiers veoma (very), mnogo (much) and nimalo (not at all). It has been noted that the quantifier veoma, as opposed to the quantifier mnogo, cannot be combined with adjectives in comparative forms (*veoma/mnogo viši), as well as that the quantifier nimalo cannot be combined with right, negated adjectives (nimalo nevisok). Adjectival meanings are examined by applying analytical, comparative and corpus methods, while the segment dimensions, indicated by the adjectives in different degrees, measures and quantitative modifications, are explained by means of the scalar theory (Kennedy and McNally 2005). The aim of this paper is to examine what the distribution of adjectives with quantifiers depends on, as well as to explore what the meaning of adjectival phrases depends on.
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