sequence of tenses, translation, translation practice, reported speech, higher educationAbstract
This paper aims to provide an account of theoretical principles related to the understanding of the so-called “sequence of tenses” phenomenon and practical issues occurring in treating reported discourse structures in Serbian-English translation classes at the university level. After a brief exposition of grammatical mechanisms concerning the phenomenon, the authors progress to explore the main sources of problems related to the application of sequence of tenses in translation practice classes. It has been established that the chief obstacles can be classified in three mutually dependent spheres: a) pedagogical sphere (use of out-of-date theoretical approaches and reference books); b) content sphere (lack of semantic differentiation between preterital and non-preterital temporal domains in English, contextual dependence of reported structures); c) stylistic sphere (introduction of narrative perspectivization in the analysis, orthographic particularities, application of free indirect discourse). Having examined the possible causes of errors, the authors offer a set of guidelines which should be followed to ensure the appropriate interpretation of analysed structures and full adoption of principles governing the sequence of tenses.
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