
  • Sanja Roić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


real vs. surreale/metaphysical, the multiple io, rivate space and public space in the Italian literature


Alberto Savinio (Athens, 1891 – Rome, 1952), the “most foreign” of Italian writers, as Sciascia put it, speaks in his narrative works about the domestic space of his multiple personalities. In his case, this space is manifold and located in different countries, intermittent between the I and the city, felt like an authentic architectural system-labyrinth, but also a labyrinth of mentalities and of human destinies, a space which allows for different experiences situated between the real and the surreal to develop. The house of the infant Savinio described in Tragedia dell’infanzia is a house in Athens, open to the stimuli of the Mediterranean world, different from the spaces in which the later Infanzia di Nivasio Dolcemare takes place. La casa ispirata is situated in Paris, and is inhabited by surreal ghosts, while Casa “la Vita” is the domestic space of a polyvalent artist that becomes an observatory through which one can mercilessly dissect tenants, domestic relationships and those whose world is located primarily in their own city. In his meta-biographical work Narrate, uomini la vostra storia Savinio speaks also about domestic spaces of select characters, crossing personally-known spaces with imaginary ones. The paper presents some of these concrete and different domestic spaces and evaluates them as private or public spaces which accept-reject the multiple I. It is created in peculiar narrative ways innovative for the epoch in which they entered the Italian literature.


Savinio 1947: A. Savinio, L’ottovolante. Scrittori allo specchio, La Fiera letteratria, Roma, 20.2.1947, 8.

Savinio ²1974: A. Savinio, Hermafrodito, Torino: Einaudi.

Savinio 1976: A. Savinio, Souvenirs, Palermo: Sellerio.

Savinio ²1977a: A. Savinio, Narrate, uomini, la vostra storia, Milano: Bompiani.

Savinio ²1977b: A. Savinio, Sorte dell’Europa, Milano: Adelphi.

Savinio ²1978: A. Savinio, Tragedia dell’infanzia, Torino: Einaudi.

Savinio ²1984: A. Savinio, Il signor Dido, Milano: Adelphi.

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Savinio ²1992: A. Savinio, Dico a te, Clio, Milano: Adelphi.

Savinio 1993a: A. Savinio, La nostra anima, Milano: Adelphi.

Savinio 1993b: A. Savinio, Achille innamorato, Milano: Adelphi.

Savinio ²1995: A. Savinio, Maupassant e l’altro, Milano: Adelphi.

Savinio 2007: A. Savinio, La nascita di Venere. Scritti sull’arte, a cura di G. Montesano e V. Trione, Milano: Adelphi.

Cirillo 1975: S. Cirillo, Casa la “vita” di Alberto Savinio, Roma: Bulzoni.

Jacobbi 1979: R. Jacobbi, Alberto Savinio, in: Novecento. I contemporanei. Gli scrittori e la cultura letteraria nella società italiana, IX, a cura di g. grana, Milano: Marzorati, 4356-4376.

Parise 1986: g. Parise, Al circo della metafisica: Corriere della sera, Milano, 26.7.1986, 3.

Praz ²1979: M. Praz, La casa della vita, Milano: Adelphi.

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Roić 2008-2009: S. Roić, Autobiographical Paradox of Alberto Savinio in: Autobiography. Fact & Fiction, ed. Rosy Singh, Germinal. Journal of the Department of Germanic and Romance Studies, University Of Delhi, 192-203.

Sanguineti 1977: E. Sanguineti, Alberto Savinio, in AA.VV. Studi sul Surrealismo, Roma: Officina, 405-431.

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Titta Rosa 1921: G. Titta Rosa (a cura di), I Narratori contemporanei, Milano: Il primato editoriale.

Vivarelli 2003: P. Vivarelli, Savinio, Firenze: Giunti Gruppo Editoriale.



How to Cite

Roić, S. (2014). ALBERTO SAVINIO’S HOUSE AS A SURREAL PLACE. Nasleđe, 11(29), 103–112. Retrieved from