
  • Tijana Kukić University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


diachrony, Latin, Italian, synthetic languages, analytic languages, definite article, indefinite article


In order to improve the understanding of the Italian article, its form, function and use in the modern Italian language, we have presented its development since the inception. Our goal is to observe the article more clearly at the present moment by means of a diachronic approach: the fact that the definite article originated from the Latin demonstrative pronoun ille and the indefinite article originated from the Latin number unus affects the behaviour and use of definite and indefinite articles in the modern Italian language. Through the analysis of the transition from Latin to Romance morphosyntax, we have presented the main features of synthetic and analytic languages. We have analyzed the presence of articles in Romance languages , with particular focus on the development of their form and function in the Italian language from the earliest written documents through the antique literature in order to point out the changes specific to its present form. In conclusion, we express the idea that details pertaining to articles, especially when it comes to the definite article, such as its pronoun quality and its omission in proverbs, in certain verbal expressions and prepositional phrases (derived from Latin cases: genitive, dative and ablative), appear through the influence of the Latin language which lacked the article in its system.


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How to Cite

Kukić, T. (2014). THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE ITALIAN ARTICLE: PANROMANCE PHENOMENON. Nasleđe, 11(29), 229–242. Retrieved from