lexeme, word, semem, sem-structure, denotation, connotation, etymology, partial synonymy, hyponymyAbstract
After a brief introduction in which we seek to define lexicology as a scientific discipline, to distinguish between the terms word and lexeme as well as to explain certain semantic relations, the paper focuses on the lexicological analysis of fifteen examples of words and lexemes commonly used in Serbian. The chosen examples are interesting in terms of origin, morphology, word-formation and semantic relations with other words and lexemes. Our main intention is to demonstrate that solely semems of a lexeme may have synonymous semems in other lexemes, and furthermore, that we may only speak in terms of partial synonymy. In the final section of the paper, conclusions are drawn regarding the origin of words, denotation and connotation, as well as synonymy and hyponymy.
Примарни извор
Текст „Шумски рај”, аутор: Дарко Калезић, Политика, 28. 3. 2010.
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