
  • Maja Stanojević Gocić Higher Education School For Applied Studies in Vranje


mobile phone, conceptual metaphor, conceptual domain, concept, mapping


This paper explores the phenomenon of conceptual metaphors in the realm of modern mobile technologies within cognitive linguistic theory. The aim is to identify and explain the metaphors in which the concept of a mobile phone is the target domain. The paper deals with ontological metaphors observed in the corpus, while the corpus consists of articles on the latest developments in the field of mobile telephony published in daily newspapers in the Serbian language. Thus we have shown that the concept of a mobile phone can be explained by a number of other concepts through a process of conceptual mapping from the source into the target domain and we have listed linguistic realisations that occur in the process of mapping.


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How to Cite

Stanojević Gocić М. (2015). METAPHORS IN THE SERBIAN LANGUAGE WHOSE TARGET DOMAIN IS THE CONCEPT OF A MOBILE PHONE. Nasleđe, 12(31), 201–214. Retrieved from