
  • Jelica Veljović University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


postmodernism, historiographic metafiction, metanarrative, deconstruction, cinema and literature, identification


The present article aims to investigate the transmission of the postmodernist notion of historiographic metafiction through different forms of narrative. Analysing Borges’s short story on one side – “Theme of the Traitor and the Hero” – and Bertolucci’s film on the other side – The Spider’s Stratagem – we will demonstrate the postmodernist urge of both authors regarding the disclosure of the Grand narrative of history. The end of this analysis and comparison of the two differently modulated small narratives, Borges’s and Bertolucci’s, the literary and cinematic, will bring us closer to the posmodernist notion of the plurality of truth. This way we will observe the deconstruction of the mere Oedipal identification with grand narratives, and the rejection of historical and cultural truths that are ideologically contaminated, yet served as natural. Furthermore we will perceive how Borges and Bertolucci, through their respective metafictional works of art, get to become both traitors and heroes on different sides of the historical mirror, collective memory and cultural identity.


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How to Cite

Veljović Ј. (2015). HISTORIOGRAPHIC METAFICTION AND POSMODERNIST DECONSTRUCTION: BORGES – BERTOLUCCI. Nasleđe, 12(31), 253–270. Retrieved from http://nasledje.kg.ac.rs/index.php/nasledje/article/view/728