поетика приповедања, обликовна средства, теме, јунаци, народна митологија и религија, простор, времеAbstract
The paper deals with the process of contextualizing the latest book by Antonije Isaković, within the collection Nestajanje (in English: Disappearing), into the encompassed narrative array provided by the author, searching for the poetic constant and dominant, as well as for the novel approaches brought about by the work in relation to his previous books. The paper analyses the narrative model and the structural aspect of the ollection, as well as the function of autobiographic and documentaryelements of the stories, the author’s thematic concern, the novel approach in the character conceptualization, whereby mythological elements and the lements of traditional symbolism are also researched, as well as the nature of time and space. By means of a parallel examination of Isaković’s implicit and formulated poetics, particularly in the second portion of his ork, the author’s autopoietic self-consciousness is being re-examined and established.
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