нихилизам, воља за ништа, вредности, превредновање, метафизика, воља за моћ, животAbstract
Discovering a source of nihilism in Nietzsche`s philosophy suposses an examination of a meaning and sense the will to nothingness, which lies in centar on the problem of nihilism. Argumentation will to nothingness through asketism, that will which denies a life, has no mean that all essence of nihilism at the end resolve values and existence in the simply Nothnig. Nihilisam has no only negative aspect. We should have an insight that Nietzsche flaired nihilism above its foreform – pessimism, which like dionysian pessimism become ground for Nietzsche`s tragic and artistics way of philosophy. Essence of nihilism can be achieved only if all stadiums of nihilism are transcended into the extatics nihilism – which expresses nihilistics thinking as godlike way of thinking. Starting from adulterating sovereign values, unworhting, dethroning to new establischment values as transevaluation (Umwertung), we can discover legality within logic of nihilism. Instead previously metaphysics of values, treads metaphysics of will to power (Metaphysik des Willens zur Macht) as ground and place of new values, and at the same time as truth of all being and human being, too. Will to power is presumption of life, which opens horison for new rethninking problem of life opossite all metaphysics, christian and religious doctrine.
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