Eмилија Пардо Басан, натурализам, поетика, подражавање, шпанска књижевност реализмаAbstract
The introductory segment of the paper introduces the subject matter of the author’s scientific research and defines the relevant literary and theoretical concepts. Following the interpretative tendency of the paper, the inquiry deals with Émile Zola’s theoretical positions representing the referent point of Emilia Pardo Bazán, the Spanish author and a literary critic. There are several significant aspects of criticism in the collection of articles La cuestión palpitante: the critique of Idealism; the representation and critique of Naturalism; the apologia of Realism as “a broader, a more comprehensive theory than that of Naturalism”; the eulogy of Spanish literature, including both the exemplary as well as the present day authors. Pardo Bazán highlights the differences between the French and Spanish Naturalism, deriving a conclusion that Naturalism in Spain, following the pattern of French Naturalism, cannot exist as such, given a number of historical, spiritual, religious, cultural and literary diversities inherent to the Spanish milieu.
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