(about art, objectivity and reality)
апстрактно сликарство, трансцендентална философија, уобразиља, истина, умјетност, предметност и стварностAbstract
In this project, an idea about analogy between abstract art of painting and transcendental philosophy, has been developed. Analogy between nonfigurative painting and transcendental philosophy is grounded on their important mutual characteristics, which are supposed to be presented here. In that sense, in the first phase of shaping that idea, one Ingarden's comprehension of abstract painting has been introduced and presended through the frame of his philosophic examination of ,,The Picture”, with Cant's transcendental philosophy. However, the establishment of entirely new relation between abstract painting and transendental philosophy has been further reflected in one ontologic surface in that way in which one projection of relation amongst art, object and reality has been seen. Besides, very important thing whilst examinating relations between this aspect of painting and transcendental philosophy is imagination which, even though it has essential meaning for abstract painting and transcendental philosophy like one of their most important mutual characteristics stands in the middle as the link between the first and last stage production of this project.
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