психотехничка школа пијанизма, унутрашњи слух, визуализација дела, релаксација, правила вежбања, динамика, начини удара, педалAbstract
The subject of this paper is the presentation of the book Piano Technique-The Shortest Way to Pianistic Perfection by K. Leimer,W. Gieseking, where the essence of their pianistic method is included. This paper has opened a new chapter in the theory of pianism. For the first time, the authors tried to describe and systematize the experience of psycho-technical school of pianism, i.e. the method that places the interpreter’s mental approach to the piece and the instrument. As a forerunner of this school, we can take F. Liszt, who pointed to mental approach in solving the problems in interpretation. Anatomic-physiological school neglected this attitude. Contrary to it, Leimer focuses on brain, fingers, keyboard, tone, ears as the dynamic system, thus providing the basis for perception of music interpretation as a part of process in time.
К. Лајмер и В. Гизекинг (K. Leimer,W. Gieseking), Piano Technique - The Shortest Way to Pianistic Perfection (Најкраћи пут до пијанистичког савршенства), Dover Publications, Inc, New York, 1972, 5.
N. Pеrеlmаn, Na satu klavira, prevod: D. Benčić i J. Zlatar, Zagreb,1995, 15.
K. Leimer, W. Gieseking, Piano Technique..., 129.