
  • Violeta Cvetkovska Ocokoljić Megatrend University in Belgrade, Faculty of Culture and Media
  • Tatjana Cvetkovska Megatrend University in Belgrade, Faculty of Culture and Media


Mladen Srbinovic, fine art, symbolism, archetypes


The aim of this study is to investigate the creative work of Mladen Srbinovic as one of the most significant Serbian fine artists of the 20th century. Even though plenty has been written about the fine art of Srbinovic, in this paper the authors have attempted to contribute to the analysis of the artist’s opus from a new angle, through the interpretation of certain compositional elements and themes. Basing their research on the existing studies on the corpus of this exceptional artist and his works of art created in techniques such as oil on canvas, drawing, stained glass and mosaics, as well as on the interviews he gave over the years, the authors of this paper attempt to penetrate into the deeper mysteries of his approach to the process of creation and objectification of the invisible world. Through individual examples in the second part of paper, the authors provide the analyses which confirm that his work indicates an artist of extraordinary talent and education whose use of visual means of expression enabled him to convey the ritual elements of sacred space and draw them nearer to the plane of man (observer).


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How to Cite

Cvetkovska Ocokoljić В., & Cvetkovska Т. (2013). ANTHROPOCENTRISM AND THE ENIGMATIC LETTER OF MLADEN SRBINOVIC. Nasleđe, 10(26), 227–243. Retrieved from