non-verbal communication, classroom, working ambience, pedagogical communication, paralinguistic, extra linguisticAbstract
Communication as a phenomenon is both a determinant and a result of communicative acts and the basis of any social interaction and consequently the teaching process. Communication in the classroom is the synthesis of verbal and non-verbal interaction. To realize curricula and syllabi it is necessary to create positive working ambience in the classroom, which means to motivate students, include them in the teaching process and build the confidence between the students and the teacher, thus maintaining discipline and attention on lessons. A teacher is the most responsible for the achievement of the stated aims. The aim of this paper is to point to the effect of non-verbal communicative signs in the creation of positive work ambience in the classroom through non-verbal behavior of both teacher and students. The paper exploits the effects of consciously and unconsciously emitted messages on building good interrelations among the constituents of teaching process as a basis for achievement good, positive atmosphere in the classroom. The author explained non-verbal communicative signs through their division into paralinguistic and extra linguistic as subgroups. The paper analyzes non-verbal messages which both contribute to and disturb the creation of positive working ambience. Non-verbal interaction between the teacher and students is discussed from the viewpoint of characteristic pedagogic communication defined by the division of social roles.
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